jattha banaana example and sentences

हिंदी मे अर्थ Meaning in english उदाहरण
Transliterated examples :
1. 241: [-] to jazz but [-] to jazz band 2. A game similar passion also inspired the crimes of a band of very young New Yorkers thieves Caillois quotes 3. Achromatic optical mirrors probably replace expensive objectives, implemented germanium, which are achromatic in a narrow band of wavelengths 4. Also, until recently, it was inconceivable that a band could appear before the public without vocalist 5. As a teenager, the poet is shown in happy company, driving, drinking, loving, leading a merry band

Given are the examples of hindi word jattha banaana usage in english sentences. The examples of jattha banaana are provided according to its meaning(s) in english language i.e., band.

The energy transferred to the band is its potential energy.

The 'Smithsonian Agreement' in 1971, which widened the permissible band of movements of the exchange rates to 5 per cent above or below the new 'central rates' with the hope of reducing pressure on deficit countries, lasted only 14 months.
A major development was the devaluation of the rupee by 3 5 per cent in June, 196 With the breakdown of the Bretton Woods system, and also the declining share of UK in India's trade, the rupee was delinked from the pound sterling in September 197 During the period between 1975 to 1992, the exchange rate of the rupee was officially determined by the Reserve Bank within a nominal band of plus or minus 5 per cent of the weighted basket of currencies of India's major trading partners.
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